
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Microsoft tries to improve image with Seinfeld commercials

Microsoft works to improve its public image. These two ads were very successful in the sense that half a billion people saw them and sounded off on them.

New Family

Shoe Circus

Video: Shoe Circus

That was what the two-week Microsoft teaser campaign accomplished, according to companies that track discussions about brands.

At first, “the ads were ambiguous and confounding to some,” said Ted Marzilli, senior vice president and general manager of the brand group at the New York office of YouGovPolimetrix, a research company, but as they continued they helped improve perceptions about Microsoft.

On Sept. 4, when the teaser ads started, the “buzz” about Microsoft was 25 percent positive and 13 percent negative, Mr. Marzilli said, and by Tuesday it was 28 percent positive and 8 percent negative. Microsoft “has been beat up pretty badly by the Apple advertisements in the last six months,” he said. “These are strong numbers, good numbers, for Microsoft.”

Another research company, Zeta Interactive, using what it calls its Relevant Noise tool to mine places online like blogs and message boards for brand conversations, found what was described as overwhelmingly positive buzz surrounding Microsoft from Sept. 3 through Monday.

Of the posts analyzed by Relevant Noise during that stage of the teaser campaign, 63 percent were characterized as positive and 37 percent as negative.


Microsoft plans to pull back on Seinfeld but to continue this momentum with coupling Bill Gates with other celebrities and to bring in the users. I almost see this as three simultaneous campaigns: one with Bill and celebs, one with situations that show products, and one that plays off Apple commercials and starts channeling the free publicity that Apple gave to the "PC" back to Microsoft.

When money attacks... computer advertising

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